Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Why must they speak in English?

Met a junior who came back from Scotland for a dinner last Friday, we have not met her for quite a long time after graduation. Emmm...of course, we haven't gossipped for such a long time as well. As usual, gossips began before the dinner started ... ...

Talked about the students in uni nowadays, lazy, irresponsible, dependent, poor quality or more accurately, it could be concluded only in one word, though it's too cruel to say that, yea, it's HOPELESS. One of the juniors in the uni couldn't even think of the word "bring along", "bring come" has been used instead. What sort of English??

Dinner has been served after awhile. Everybody was so excited and kept gossiping..then, the conversation reached this stage... why must those parents speak to the kids in English whereas they themselves are pretty poor in English? Emmm...Have you ever heard about the sentence "open the rise"? When the mum trying to get assistance from the kids during dinner time, this was the sentence that throwing towards the kids..Yea, "we are opening our rice" and gossiping here ..

Buddies started complaining about the crappy food in DeXXFrXXX, SxxxPyrXXX. However, the gossip still continued in a joyful ambience...Take off your "soe" has been taught by a mother, when the grandmum tried to rectify the mistake, the kid insisted "soe" was the correct word as this was taught by the mum. He refused to use the word "shoe" as he deemed everything taught by the mum is correct.

Perhaps they should have ordered Tuna Croissant which I ordered, the gossip continued in sighing over their distasteful food ... Well, why must the parents speak to the kids in English in the first place? Aye, the answer is Kia Su. It's a trend to speak in English at home regardless what races you are. If they don't speak in English, the kids may leave behind the pals when they are enrolled in the schools ..Nope, I don't see this is the best way to educate children. Of course, if you are good in English, please go ahead to speak proper English with them. If not, please do not demolish the children's future!

Our family members speak to Little Jiemin in Mandarin though my brother and sis-in-law are not poor in English. They sent little Jiemin to a nursery to learn proper English instead. She speak in Mandarin to the family members and speak in proper English to teachers and friends. Frankly speaking, I don't think Jiemin will be left behind when she is enrolled in a school in the future.

Revelling in the delightful gossip but tasteless dinner, we later adjourned to a mamak stall with Roti Canai...

Well, I don't mean to look down on you, please, if you are not good in English, do not communicate with the kids in English, do remember, their future are in your hand !


Anonymous said...


呼吸的747 @ 747 is breathing said...



呼吸的747 @ 747 is breathing said...

Blanky是美语,意思是small child’s favourite blanket, security blanket

碧绿荷塘 said...


呼吸的747 @ 747 is breathing said...
