Thursday, July 30, 2009





柜台先生: 我没有其他零钱,又不是我不要找给你!











Tuesday, July 21, 2009

亢奋 悲愤

上个周末,很多国人在Bukit Jalil体育馆亢奋激情地呐喊,与此同时,有无数无数……的国人在心中悲愤地怒啸。

Thursday, July 16, 2009



以后适逢星期四,有事无事请不要出门,因为常常会碰到要命的Jusco Day!人家十一点打开门做生意,可是买鬼早上八点就出发了!



Friday, July 10, 2009






她们一直说大哥唱歌很好听,李明德唱歌的时候我觉得他的声线和张学友很相似,正在纳闷怎么有凡人可以唱得那么好?然后,他唱了自己的歌曲《一天天 一点点》的时候,我们才惊觉他是歌手,男人说,在电台的时候曾经播过他的歌,真没想到是他!

大哥唱《黄昏》的时候,我差点……差点……晕了。对不起,我又要得罪人了,张栋梁请靠边站。对了,就是味道(kui kao),黄韵玲在《星光大道》中一直强调的kui kao,现代歌手当中很难找到的味道。大哥过后又唱刀朗的歌,我家男人他再也不敢献丑了。



我希望佩岑姐唱她自己的歌,该死的卡拉Ok没有她的歌;我希望台烟姐唱《想你的夜》,该死的卡拉Ok没有这首歌……我希望听李明德大哥唱黄大炜的《你把我灌醉》 ,可是佩岑姐说《爱情酿的酒》比较好。

迷你演唱会在欢愉的《爱情初体验》 《热情的沙漠》中结束。


Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Bad experiences in Hanoi

It is indeed our fault as we planned the trip at the eleventh hour (I doubt if we could use the word "plan", in fact, we did not plan, it's kind of doing nothing after making decision, haha), 3 weeks prior to the departure date. No information has been gathered except the very brief information on the tourist spots by my friend. The hotel reservation has been made few hours prior to our arrival. I have no idea about the country, the only thing I know about the country is Mekong River, I could probably recall my geography teacher mentioned about it 20 years ago.

Why Hanoi?

Our target destination was ASEAN Country, Hanoi is the farthest place that we could think of, cousin brother has an office over there so we thought of joining him over the trip. To me, I chose Hanoi mainly because of the awesome water puppet show.

When we were in the aircraft, I was astonished while listening to the announcement by captain saying the weather in Hanoi was 35°C. I always think Vietnam experiences a tropical climate like Malaysia, and I am absolutely wrong!

We stayed up late every night before the trip, we even packed our luggage in the midnight though we had to catch the morning flight. You can imagine how busy and tired we were! Our initial plan was going there and had a good rest in the hotel. But who knows the weather was damn hot and most of the hotels' air conditioning were not functioning well, ended up we were suffering in the hotels all the time, and I did not have a good sleep for the entire trip, sigh!

We did not know if cousin bro was going to meet us up as he was pretty busy, hence we decided to book the tours on our own. We opined the 1 week holidays was a bit long for us, so the whole week was occupied by different kind of tours!

We were so hungry and tired after booking the tours, we walked and walked but couldn't find any restaurant but Little Hanoi. We had our dinner there, 2 bowls of white rice with sweet sour chicken soup and soy pork soup cost us USD18,gosh,I consider it as an unscrupulous service provider.

We started with the city tour, we were picked up by a very short lady with a taxi (Not the tour bus!!) The tour guide couldn't speak English and she didn't even bother to explain to us (In fact, she doesn't have any knowledge at all) on the tourist attraction, her main role was calling a taxi to pick us up and throw us at the destination. The weather was so hot and I couldn't even breath properly. We decided to go back to the hotel after lunch, and the short lady asked me to take a stroll back to the hotel under the hot sun!! We thought we could have a good rest in the hotel, but the aircond was not cool at all, the temperature in the room was exactly the same as outside temparature, it was 38°C ! The worst part was I didn't bring any casual wear except the silk pajamas, it was like staying in an oven, almost going crazy!

The 2nd day tour to Hua Lu was not bad as we had a young tour guide who can speak Mandarin, there were 1 couple from Malaysia and another couple from Indonesia with us. It was quite fun but still spoilt by the boatmen, they kept asking for money, drinks and kept selling very poor quality thingy to us!

The tour to Ha Long Bay was quite torturing as well though the scene is superb! I gathered I might have a good sleep on the boat, unfortunately the air temperature in the room was pretty high too! The boatmen cut down the electric supply early in the morning, so wash and dress had to be done in the dark! Again, we met an irresponsible tour guide and we decided to shorten our 3-day trip to 2 days.

We were then told by an Australian tourist that the temparature in Hanoi before our arrival was even up to 45°C, it has never been so hot in Vietnam history. Also, we were advised by one of the Vietnamese that the tour agent that we engaged is one of the worst in Hanoi!

Sounds like we had a very bad trip in Hanoi? Ha, not really, our wonderful experiences began since we met Lain ……

Wednesday, July 01, 2009


在电脑的back up空间里发现了一些曾经拍摄而被遗忘了的旧照,看着这张照片,才惊觉原来它也曾风光过。

Sony Cybershot在好几年前刚推出的时候,我们以马币2000购买了该台相机,却由于功能复杂而鲜少使用。一年过后,相机出现了问题。五年后的今天,相机已经奄奄一息,总是拍出偏蓝朦胧的照片,我们对它已经哀莫大于心死。

如今,我们拥有了Canon 500D,河内之旅的拍摄重担就交由500D来胜任了。

Sony Cybershot正式被我们冷藏,即使它也曾风光过。





