Wednesday, December 28, 2005


Yum Yum, 又是榴槤季节的到来,呵呵,我要回槟城吃榴槤去了, Yum Yum ... ...

Saturday, December 24, 2005



(小时候,一直都很向往这样的一份礼物,大盒[ 门]中有中盒[门],中盒[门]中又有小盒[门],而小盒[门]中则匿藏着意想不到的窃喜。一个盒子一个盒子地拆开,一扇门一扇门地打开 … …里头会是怎样的一番风景呢?


一间被搁置的卧房,一个尘封的衣柜,布帘被掀开了,门 被打开了… …



大雪纷飞,一切活动仿佛静止了;原来是邪恶的势力在笼罩着。狮子王、人羊、海狸还有四位从衣柜来的天使和女巫奋力 抗战。







Thursday, December 22, 2005

mErRy x'MaS ~~~~ hOhOhO ~~~

mErRy x'MaS ~~~~ hOhOhO ~~~mErRy x'MaS ~~~~ hOhOhO ~~~

Saturday, December 17, 2005


Her name is E Kao. Ya, I mean the name in IC. If you know Hokkien, you will know E Kao means dumb. And she is dumb indeed.

In the office, we call her C-O-O, which stands for Chief Operation Officer. Emmm ..CP was the one who gave her this nickname.

C-O-O was born in Taiping, she is an orphan. Before she came to KL, she worked in a Kopitiam. She was not paid and even not being treated well by the Taukeh, because she is dumb!! Sounds pathetic? Yap, this was what my boss’s father (whom we normally address him as Uncle) felt as well. Thereafter, C-O-O was brought to KL. She worked in my boss’s restaurant which was next to our office.

The restaurant has been stopped from operation about 2 years ago. Uncle wanna sent C-O-O back to Taiping. She refused, begging for staying back. End up, my boss allowed her to stay here and work as a cleaner in our office.

The reason why she is called C-O-O is she likes to supervise us, which even my boss doesn’t do. She reaches office quite early in the morning, and wait for us to open the door. Sometimes we are late; she “grumbles” us by keep pointing to our watch or clock. She likes to check why somebody is not working; she likes to scold us if our stuff is not arranged in order; and she likes to bug us when we are busy.. Don’t you think she is like a Chief Operation Officer? To ensure the office operates well, haha ..

C-O-O is a pretty smart old folk. She is not educated but she is capable. She assists us to do simple admin works such as stamping envelopes, putting stickers on the brochures and moving the boxes etc ..You only need to demonstrate once to her, she knows what to do then. Don’t be astonished if you have been told that she can “read” papers. Of course, not the “real” reading. She can figure out what happens by seeing the picture and then confirms with people around her. In fact, her hobby is …gossiping. She likes to update me lots of fighting and relationship stories which most of the time I do not understand what she means. But I still nod to her just to show some response. (Well, everyone in our office knows a wee bit about sign language, we were forced to learn in order to communicate to her !!)

C-O-O can cook well, especially our favourite northern region dishes. Once in a while, normally during festive season, she cooks and all of us have our reunion lunch in the office. Sometimes, we are too lazy to go out for lunch, just taking down the orders in a paper and assign her to go out to “tapao”. She likes to do so or else she feels boring if merely sitting in the office most of the day.

C-O-O is about 70 years of age, I guess. Nonetheless, she is still strong and eagerly to learn new things. She always checks with me about the structure and feature of the office equipments. Once, she asked me why do I have a mouse pad and my colleague doesn’t have? ^^^^_^^^^ _^^^^

Alas, C-O-O our beloved C-O-O, we are proud of your smartness, what a pity you are dumb!

Friday, December 16, 2005


我的留言本正式启航啦 欢迎你来叽叽喳喳噢



因为从事教育行业的关系,学生成绩放榜,大学入学日期近在眉睫, 工作总是忙得透不过气;但是自己及很多好友的生日都落在十二月,令人振奋的圣诞节也在这个月份,总觉得十二月给我的感觉是五彩缤纷、绚丽夺目的。

可是今年的十二月好像不一样了,除了忙碌的工作增添了厌烦以外,不如意的事情更接踵而来。 先是几乎耗尽我整副身家的金龙鱼接二连三地出事, 然后老爸在槟城老家撞伤电单车骑士,再到自己差点被的士司机拐走, 让今年的十二月不再美丽。

其实一直以来对发展中国家的国产车都不曾要求, 只希望车子不要出大毛病,可以平安无事地在马路上行驶,已经是善莫大焉。真没想到我的金龙鱼会在出车一个星期而无法启动引擎,需要jump start, 这已经纯属小事一桩,因为更万万意想不到的事情还在后头,一场大雨过后车子竟然进水了,哎,淹水的汽车你一定是第一次听到吧?我的金龙鱼竟然像咸鱼一样需要暴晒在炎阳底下,而我已经麻木了,只能求神拜佛拜托不好再出毛病了...


星期天约了朋友到I U,乘的士去和她在轻快铁站会面。上了的士却发觉司机往反方向行驶, 向他质问却换回来猥琐的笑容和听不懂的语言,让我心里发寒。赶紧打电话向朋友报告车牌,然后告诉司机行驶我指定的路,我当时已经做好最坏打算跳车,还好司机在不愿走我所指定的路后还愿意放我下车,虽然脚才刚落地,车门还没关上,司机已经扬长而去,但是我还是庆幸自己安全地逃离了魔掌。COMFORT 蓝白 TAXI HWB 3958 印尼籍司机。各位, 要多加留意。


Friday, December 02, 2005

